ODU F1RST Faculty

The phrase "first-generation college students" is used to describe students whose parents or grandparents did not earn a college degree. Our conversations indicate that many of our faculty and faculty administrators were first-generation college students themselves.

The main goal of the 'F1RST Faculty' opportunity is to encourage faculty-student interaction outside of the classroom through relationships that help to improve sense of belonging for both first-gen faculty and first-gen students.

Be a F1RST-Gen Friend

List your name, contact information, photo and department on the the First-Gen Faculty program website. AND attend exclusive first-gen events where students and faculty can meet, learn, socialize, and build relationships with each other.

Bea a F1RST-Gen Team Member

Help plan activities and events as part of a first-gen faculty working group. Work associated with the group is recognized as service to the university.

Be a F1RST-Gen Mentor

Mentor a first-gen student (one-on-one meetings face-to-face or online, phone calls, email, etc.). Mentor-mentee meetings are recognized as service to the university.

F1RST Faculty

Master Lecturer Communication & Theatre Arts
Master Lecturer and Director of Writing Placement and Support English
Higher Ed Teach Res Asst Sociology & Criminal Justice
Senior Lecturer & Chief Departmental Advisor English

Curriculum Coordinator Career Switcher Program
Associate Professor Department of STEM Education & Professional Studies
Professor Department of Teaching & Learning
Professor Department of Teaching & Learning
Professor Department of Teaching & Learning
Professor Department of Teaching & Learning
Professor, Chair & Interim Dean, Grad School Department of STEM Education & Professional Studies
Senior Lecturer & Faculty Advisor, Human Services Association Department of Counseling & Human Services

Master Lecturer Engineering Management & Systems Engineering
Adjunct Instructional Faculty Continuing Education

Associate Professor Ellmer School of Nursing
Professor Biological Sciences
Assistant Professor Ellmer School of Nursing
Lecturer Ellmer School of Nursing

Higher Ed Teach Res Asst Communication & Theatre Arts
Associate Vice President for Administration Student Enrollment, Engagement & Services
Adjunct Instructional Faculty Ellmer College of Health Sciences
Interim Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Academic Affairs
Dir, Sophomore Success Center for Advising Administration and Academic Partnerships
Director, Ssrc Social Science Research Center